Psalms Series

Psalm 1: Happy are They
A short, joyful 6/8 refrain makes this psalm easily learnt by the assembly, with dramatic verses for cantor. Parts for SATB choir and trumpet add interest.
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A short, joyful 6/8 refrain makes this psalm easily learnt by the assembly, with dramatic verses for cantor. Parts for SATB choir and trumpet add interest.
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Psalm 4: O Lord, Lift Up Your Face on Us
A general psalm especially suitable for Advent, this setting for full choir, cantor and assembly alternates a major refrain with minor verses.
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A general psalm especially suitable for Advent, this setting for full choir, cantor and assembly alternates a major refrain with minor verses.
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Psalm 16: Keep Me Safe, O God
A setting suitable for Lent or the Easter Vigil, this psalm has a warm, melodic refrain for assembly and SAB choir, with piano accompaniment.
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A setting suitable for Lent or the Easter Vigil, this psalm has a warm, melodic refrain for assembly and SAB choir, with piano accompaniment.
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Psalm 17: I Shall be Filled When I Awake
A very simple refrain for unison choir, descant, assembly and organ with psalm-tone verses. Suitable as a common psalm for Ordinary Time or Morning Prayer.
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A very simple refrain for unison choir, descant, assembly and organ with psalm-tone verses. Suitable as a common psalm for Ordinary Time or Morning Prayer.
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Psalm 18: I Love You, Lord
A simple, gentle setting in 6/8 time with parts for full choir, cantor and organ.
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A simple, gentle setting in 6/8 time with parts for full choir, cantor and organ.
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Psalm 18: I Love You, Lord, my Rock
A simple setting of this psalm, with an accessible and lyrical refrain, with parts for SATB choir, cantor and organ.
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A simple setting of this psalm, with an accessible and lyrical refrain, with parts for SATB choir, cantor and organ.
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Psalm 23: Lord, You are my Shepherd
Popular for over twenty years, this award-winning setting of the well-known psalm has a memorable refrain in compound time, and interesting yet lyrical verses. Scored for SAB choir, assembly, cantor, flute and piano.
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Popular for over twenty years, this award-winning setting of the well-known psalm has a memorable refrain in compound time, and interesting yet lyrical verses. Scored for SAB choir, assembly, cantor, flute and piano.
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Psalm 23: The Lord is my Shepherd
An easy refrain for SAB choir and assembly with a rising 7th, and psalm-tone verses for cantor.
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An easy refrain for SAB choir and assembly with a rising 7th, and psalm-tone verses for cantor.
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Psalm 24: Let the Lord Enter
A robust setting of this Advent psalm for assembly, SATB choir and organ, with psalm-tone verses for cantor.
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A robust setting of this Advent psalm for assembly, SATB choir and organ, with psalm-tone verses for cantor.
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Psalm 24: Who is the King of Glory
A strong setting of this psalm for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, and as a common psalm for Advent or the Feast of Christ the King. Scored for SATB choir, assembly, cantor, trumpet and organ.
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A strong setting of this psalm for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, and as a common psalm for Advent or the Feast of Christ the King. Scored for SATB choir, assembly, cantor, trumpet and organ.
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Psalm 25: Lord, Make Me Know Your Ways
A lyrical psalm with a very simple refrain, scored for unison choir, cantor and organ.
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A lyrical psalm with a very simple refrain, scored for unison choir, cantor and organ.
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Psalm 25: Your Ways, O Lord
Suitable as a Lenten common psalm, or throughout the year, this gentle setting is scored for full choir, cantor and piano.
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Suitable as a Lenten common psalm, or throughout the year, this gentle setting is scored for full choir, cantor and piano.
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Psalm 29: The Lord will Bless his People with Peace
Suitable for the Feast of the Holy Family, throughout Advent and into Ordinary Time, this psalm features an ostinato unison refrain which can also be sung in canon underneath the verses.
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Suitable for the Feast of the Holy Family, throughout Advent and into Ordinary Time, this psalm features an ostinato unison refrain which can also be sung in canon underneath the verses.
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Psalm 31: Be a Rock of Refuge
A pleading, minor key refrain, with dissonances in the verses captures the anguish of this psalm. Scored for full choir, schola, cantor and organ.
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A pleading, minor key refrain, with dissonances in the verses captures the anguish of this psalm. Scored for full choir, schola, cantor and organ.
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Psalm 31: Father, Into your Hands
This setting of the psalm for Good Friday features an ostinato refrain, which may be sung unaccompanied highlighting the starkness of the day, with verses for cantor.
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This setting of the psalm for Good Friday features an ostinato refrain, which may be sung unaccompanied highlighting the starkness of the day, with verses for cantor.
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Psalm 31: Into Your Hands
This setting of the responsorial psalm for Good Friday is best sung by unaccompanied SATB choir and assembly, with optional oboe and organ parts. Hints of blues chords in the verses highlight the angst in the words of this powerful psalm.
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This setting of the responsorial psalm for Good Friday is best sung by unaccompanied SATB choir and assembly, with optional oboe and organ parts. Hints of blues chords in the verses highlight the angst in the words of this powerful psalm.
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Psalm 32: You are my Refuge
Suitable as a common psalm for Lent, this has a simple refrain scored for SAB choir, assembly and organ, with verses for cantor.
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Suitable as a common psalm for Lent, this has a simple refrain scored for SAB choir, assembly and organ, with verses for cantor.
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Psalm 33: May Your Love be Upon Us
Occurring several times in the Lectionary, this lyrical psalm is also ideal for weddings and services of blessing. Scored for SAB choir, descant, cantor and organ.
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Occurring several times in the Lectionary, this lyrical psalm is also ideal for weddings and services of blessing. Scored for SAB choir, descant, cantor and organ.
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Psalm 33: The Lord Hears the Cry of the Poor
Ideal for smaller choirs, this setting is scored for SB choir, piano, and violin, with attractive verses for cantor and a very easy assembly refrain. Suitable for all times in the church year.
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Ideal for smaller choirs, this setting is scored for SB choir, piano, and violin, with attractive verses for cantor and a very easy assembly refrain. Suitable for all times in the church year.
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Psalm 34: I Will Bless the Lord
A very simple refrain for unison choir and assembly, with psalm-tone verses for cantor. Suitable for general use.
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A very simple refrain for unison choir and assembly, with psalm-tone verses for cantor. Suitable for general use.
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Psalm 34: I Will Bless the Name of God
Written for children's choir as part of the Lucan Mass setting, this simple and appealing setting is scored for unison choir, assembly and organ, with optional flute part.
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Written for children's choir as part of the Lucan Mass setting, this simple and appealing setting is scored for unison choir, assembly and organ, with optional flute part.
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Psalm 34: Taste and See
From the album Here in Christ we Gather, this versatile psalm often appears in the Lectionary, and can be also sung at communion time. Scored for SAB choir, assembly, descant, cantor and organ.
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From the album Here in Christ we Gather, this versatile psalm often appears in the Lectionary, and can be also sung at communion time. Scored for SAB choir, assembly, descant, cantor and organ.
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Psalm 40: God, come save me
This powerful setting of Psalm 40, with its plaintive oboe and chromatic harmonies, captures the anguish of the afflicted, who finds security only in God's love. Scored for cantor, SAB choir, assembly, piano and oboe.
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This powerful setting of Psalm 40, with its plaintive oboe and chromatic harmonies, captures the anguish of the afflicted, who finds security only in God's love. Scored for cantor, SAB choir, assembly, piano and oboe.
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Psalm 42: Like the Deer that Yearns
A simple refrain for assembly makes this a very useful psalm for the Easter Vigil and other times in the year when it appears in the Lectionary. Dark, haunting verses for cantor capture the song's longing for God.
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A simple refrain for assembly makes this a very useful psalm for the Easter Vigil and other times in the year when it appears in the Lectionary. Dark, haunting verses for cantor capture the song's longing for God.
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Psalm 47: God goes up with Shouts of Joy
A robust setting in 6/8 of this psalm for the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord. Scored for cantor, SATB choir, assembly, organ and trumpet, this psalm is an invaluable addition to your Eastertide repertoire.
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A robust setting in 6/8 of this psalm for the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord. Scored for cantor, SATB choir, assembly, organ and trumpet, this psalm is an invaluable addition to your Eastertide repertoire.
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Psalm 51: Have mercy, Lord
Suitable for Ash Wednesday, Penitential Services, and throughout the season of Lent, this psalm is scored for cantor, assembly, SATB choir and organ, with an ostinato refrain, which may be sung unaccompanied.
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Suitable for Ash Wednesday, Penitential Services, and throughout the season of Lent, this psalm is scored for cantor, assembly, SATB choir and organ, with an ostinato refrain, which may be sung unaccompanied.
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Psalm 51: I will Leave this Place
A reflective setting of Psalm 51, suitable for Ash Wednesday and throughout Lent. Scored for cantor, assembly, SAB choir, descant, and organ.
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A reflective setting of Psalm 51, suitable for Ash Wednesday and throughout Lent. Scored for cantor, assembly, SAB choir, descant, and organ.
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Psalm 62: In God Alone
A very simple, elegant setting makes this psalm suitable for young and old alike. Scored for cantor, assembly, SAB choir, descant, flute and organ.
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A very simple, elegant setting makes this psalm suitable for young and old alike. Scored for cantor, assembly, SAB choir, descant, flute and organ.
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Psalm 63: For You, My Soul is Thirsting
A lyrical setting of this psalm, suitable for Morning Prayer, Lent, and as a common psalm or hymn throughout the year. The plaintive oboe part captures the longing of the psalmist for God. Scored for cantor, SAB choir, descant, oboe and piano.
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A lyrical setting of this psalm, suitable for Morning Prayer, Lent, and as a common psalm or hymn throughout the year. The plaintive oboe part captures the longing of the psalmist for God. Scored for cantor, SAB choir, descant, oboe and piano.
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Psalm 63: In the Shadow of Your Wings, Lord
This attractive, award-winning psalm setting can also be sung as a reflective piece at Morning Prayer, communion time, services of healing and general prayer services. Scored for cantor, assembly, SAB choir, descant, violin and piano.
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This attractive, award-winning psalm setting can also be sung as a reflective piece at Morning Prayer, communion time, services of healing and general prayer services. Scored for cantor, assembly, SAB choir, descant, violin and piano.
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Psalm 66: Cry Out with Joy to God
A lively psalm for Ordinary Time and Easter, scored for cantor, SAB choir, descant, violin and organ.
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A lively psalm for Ordinary Time and Easter, scored for cantor, SAB choir, descant, violin and organ.
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Psalm 66: Let the Peoples Praise You, O God
A strong setting of a text that is often found in the Lectionary and Divine Office makes this an ideal common psalm throughout the year, or as a stately gathering hymn.
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A strong setting of a text that is often found in the Lectionary and Divine Office makes this an ideal common psalm throughout the year, or as a stately gathering hymn.
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Psalm 67: In your Goodness, O Lord
A simple, attractive psalm that shows God's care for the oppressed. Scored for cantor, assembly, SB choir, descant and organ.
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A simple, attractive psalm that shows God's care for the oppressed. Scored for cantor, assembly, SB choir, descant and organ.
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Psalm 80: God of Hosts
A strong setting of the psalm for the First Sunday of Advent, capturing a longing for the restoration of the Kingdom of God. Scored for cantor, assembly, SATB choir and organ.
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A strong setting of the psalm for the First Sunday of Advent, capturing a longing for the restoration of the Kingdom of God. Scored for cantor, assembly, SATB choir and organ.
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Psalm 84: How Lovely are your Dwelling Places
A setting of this pilgrimage psalm for larger performing forces: assembly, SATB choir, two cantors, cello and piano.
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A setting of this pilgrimage psalm for larger performing forces: assembly, SATB choir, two cantors, cello and piano.
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Psalm 85: I will Listen to the Lord
With its eschatological dimension, this is an ideal psalm for the season of Advent, with lyrical verses for cantor, unison assembly, descant and organ.
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With its eschatological dimension, this is an ideal psalm for the season of Advent, with lyrical verses for cantor, unison assembly, descant and organ.
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Psalm 89: I will Sing Forever
A multi-use psalm for Advent, the Chrism Mass and Ordinary Time, this simple setting has a lyrical refrain for assembly (with descant), psalm-tone verses for cantor, and organ and flute accompaniment.
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A multi-use psalm for Advent, the Chrism Mass and Ordinary Time, this simple setting has a lyrical refrain for assembly (with descant), psalm-tone verses for cantor, and organ and flute accompaniment.
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Psalm 90: Fill Us with Your Love
An attractive setting for cantor, assembly, SATB choir, C instrument and piano, suitable for weddings, Morning and Evening Prayer, and general use.
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An attractive setting for cantor, assembly, SATB choir, C instrument and piano, suitable for weddings, Morning and Evening Prayer, and general use.
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Psalm 98: Psalm for Christmas Day
A sprightly psalm using a motif from Angels we Have Heard on High, this is an ideal psalm for Christmas Day, for cantor, assembly, descant and organ.
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A sprightly psalm using a motif from Angels we Have Heard on High, this is an ideal psalm for Christmas Day, for cantor, assembly, descant and organ.
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Psalm 98: Sing a New Song
A strong, rhythmic setting of the responsorial psalm for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, with an alternative response for Christmas Day. Scored for cantor, SATB choir and organ. Also suitable as a strong gathering hymn for general use.
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A strong, rhythmic setting of the responsorial psalm for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, with an alternative response for Christmas Day. Scored for cantor, SATB choir and organ. Also suitable as a strong gathering hymn for general use.
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Psalm 99: We Are His People
A simple, yet effective setting of this psalm for assembly, SATB choir, cantor, piano and flute, with many uses: as a common psalm for Easter season, funerals, and rites of initiation, or as a gentle gathering or communion song.
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A simple, yet effective setting of this psalm for assembly, SATB choir, cantor, piano and flute, with many uses: as a common psalm for Easter season, funerals, and rites of initiation, or as a gentle gathering or communion song.
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Psalm 104: Bless the Lord, O My Soul
Suitable for confirmations, baptisms, Pentecost or where the readings speak of creation or the Holy Spirit, this setting for assembly, cantor, SATB choir, flute and organ couples a lyrical refrain with strong rhythmic verses.
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Suitable for confirmations, baptisms, Pentecost or where the readings speak of creation or the Holy Spirit, this setting for assembly, cantor, SATB choir, flute and organ couples a lyrical refrain with strong rhythmic verses.
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Psalm 104: Send Forth your Spirit
Scored for two cantors, assembly, SATB choir and organ, this hypnotic setting is ideal for Pentecost, baptisms and confirmations.
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Scored for two cantors, assembly, SATB choir and organ, this hypnotic setting is ideal for Pentecost, baptisms and confirmations.
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Psalm 116: Our Blessing Cup
A simple refrain for assembly, SAB choir, and descant, with lyrical verses for cantor make this psalm suitable for Holy Thursday, the Feast of the Body and Blood of the Lord, feasts of martyrs, and St Patrick's Day, as well as being a communion hymn for general use.
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A simple refrain for assembly, SAB choir, and descant, with lyrical verses for cantor make this psalm suitable for Holy Thursday, the Feast of the Body and Blood of the Lord, feasts of martyrs, and St Patrick's Day, as well as being a communion hymn for general use.
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Psalm 117: Go Out to the Whole World
With a short, robust refrain for assembly, SATB choir with organ accompaniment, and simple, pithy verses for cantor, this psalm is suitable for Mission Sunday, St Patrick's Day and other occasions.
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With a short, robust refrain for assembly, SATB choir with organ accompaniment, and simple, pithy verses for cantor, this psalm is suitable for Mission Sunday, St Patrick's Day and other occasions.
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Psalm 118: Easter Psalm
Used in the Jubilee 2000 Wrexham Diocese celebrations, and popular ever since, this joyful psalm can be sung either as a Gospel Acclamation, or as a psalm throughout the Easter season. Alternative words make it equally suitable as a strong gathering hymn.
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Used in the Jubilee 2000 Wrexham Diocese celebrations, and popular ever since, this joyful psalm can be sung either as a Gospel Acclamation, or as a psalm throughout the Easter season. Alternative words make it equally suitable as a strong gathering hymn.
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Psalm 122: I Rejoiced
From the collection Here in Christ we Gather, this piece is suitable as both responsorial psalm for the Feast of Christ the King, and the season of Advent, and as a strong gathering hymn, this psalm is scored for assembly, SATB choir, descant, cantor and organ. The strong 6/8 rhythm invites enthusiasm and captures the words perfectly.
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From the collection Here in Christ we Gather, this piece is suitable as both responsorial psalm for the Feast of Christ the King, and the season of Advent, and as a strong gathering hymn, this psalm is scored for assembly, SATB choir, descant, cantor and organ. The strong 6/8 rhythm invites enthusiasm and captures the words perfectly.
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Psalm 122: I Rejoiced when I Heard them Say
A vibrant refrain in 6/8 for assembly and SATB choir, along with psalm-tone verses for cantor make this a very usable psalm for the Feast of Christ the King, and Advent.
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A vibrant refrain in 6/8 for assembly and SATB choir, along with psalm-tone verses for cantor make this a very usable psalm for the Feast of Christ the King, and Advent.
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Psalm 126: What Marvels the Lord has Worked
From the collection Here in Christ we Gather, this psalm with its energetic refrain in 6/8 for assembly and SATB choir, and rhythmic verses for cantor make this an ideal psalm or gathering hymn throughout the Easter season.
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From the collection Here in Christ we Gather, this psalm with its energetic refrain in 6/8 for assembly and SATB choir, and rhythmic verses for cantor make this an ideal psalm or gathering hymn throughout the Easter season.
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Psalm 128: May the Lord Bless Us and Keep Us
With its warm, gentle refrain from the Blessing of Aaron and verses from Psalm 128, this setting is suitable for weddings and services of commitment and renewal. Scored for assembly, SATB choir, descant, cantor and organ.
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With its warm, gentle refrain from the Blessing of Aaron and verses from Psalm 128, this setting is suitable for weddings and services of commitment and renewal. Scored for assembly, SATB choir, descant, cantor and organ.
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Psalm 133: How Wonderful and Pleasant
This psalm, which does not appear in the Sunday Lectionary, has many uses: weddings, services of Christian unity, reconciliation. Originally written for ladies' choir, a version for SATB choir is also available.
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This psalm, which does not appear in the Sunday Lectionary, has many uses: weddings, services of Christian unity, reconciliation. Originally written for ladies' choir, a version for SATB choir is also available.
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Psalm 137: By the Waters of Babylon
Capturing the sadness of the Israelites as they yearned for Jerusalem during the Babylonian captivity, this psalm also expresses the heart that yearns for God in the face of adversity, and is suitable throughout the season of Lent, and for penitential services. This setting is scored for two cantors, assembly, SAB choir, descant and piano.
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Capturing the sadness of the Israelites as they yearned for Jerusalem during the Babylonian captivity, this psalm also expresses the heart that yearns for God in the face of adversity, and is suitable throughout the season of Lent, and for penitential services. This setting is scored for two cantors, assembly, SAB choir, descant and piano.
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Psalm 138: Before the Angels
A simple psalm for assembly and cantor, with optional choral parts in verse 3.
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A simple psalm for assembly and cantor, with optional choral parts in verse 3.
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Psalm 138: In the Presence of Your Holy Angels
Suitable as a responsorial psalm or reflective hymn for funerals, rites of initiation or general use, this attractive, lyrical setting is scored for assembly, SAB choir, cantor, clarinet and piano. From the collection Here in Christ we Gather.
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Suitable as a responsorial psalm or reflective hymn for funerals, rites of initiation or general use, this attractive, lyrical setting is scored for assembly, SAB choir, cantor, clarinet and piano. From the collection Here in Christ we Gather.
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Psalm 141: Like Burning Incense
Suitable for Evening Prayer or general use, this setting is scored for assembly, SATB choir, descant, cantor and organ.
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Suitable for Evening Prayer or general use, this setting is scored for assembly, SATB choir, descant, cantor and organ.
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Psalm 145: The Lord is Near
With its short, memorable refrain and lyrical verses for cantor, this psalm is suitable for funerals, weddings and use throughout the entire year as a responsorial psalm or reflective piece about the closeness of God.
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With its short, memorable refrain and lyrical verses for cantor, this psalm is suitable for funerals, weddings and use throughout the entire year as a responsorial psalm or reflective piece about the closeness of God.
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Psalm 145: You Open Wide Your Hand
A simple, double refrain for assembly and SAB choir, with psalm-tone verses for cantor, this setting is suited for Harvest festivals and use throughout the church year. An optional clarinet line gives a plaintive touch. From the collection Here in Christ we Gather.
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A simple, double refrain for assembly and SAB choir, with psalm-tone verses for cantor, this setting is suited for Harvest festivals and use throughout the church year. An optional clarinet line gives a plaintive touch. From the collection Here in Christ we Gather.
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Psalm 145: My Soul, Give Praise
A gentle hymn of praise, suitable as a common psalm throughout the year. Scored for assembly, SAB choir, descant, cantor, violin and piano.
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A gentle hymn of praise, suitable as a common psalm throughout the year. Scored for assembly, SAB choir, descant, cantor, violin and piano.
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Psalm 145: Come, O Lord
Suitable as a common psalm for Advent, this setting has a short memorable refrain, and easy-to-learn verses for cantor. The addition of an oboe part adds to the plaintive nature of this piece, which also has harmonies for full choir.
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Suitable as a common psalm for Advent, this setting has a short memorable refrain, and easy-to-learn verses for cantor. The addition of an oboe part adds to the plaintive nature of this piece, which also has harmonies for full choir.
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